Tuesday 2 February 2021

Crocheted Lampshades

 In my archive, May 2014, I refer to the design known as paisley. Here is a glimpse into how my design process works. Some pages from my sketchbook, which led to the creation of the 'Polly' lampshade, of which more,later.

The finished article doesn't bear much similarity to the artwork which led to it, but that is not the point.
Its the process which is important.More about 'Polly' in archive under July 2014.

Photo courtesy of Inside Crochet magazine.

Crocheting lampshades has always been 'a thing' and is great fun.Many of the lampshades in my home are crocheted. You don't have to know how to crochet, to make one. This one was made from a charity shop bought cotton dress!

This one is my favourite, because it was the first  I made.
I pick up lampshade frames out of skips and so forth, but you can buy them new, as well. The first thing I do is crochet around the metal spars, so that there is something to attach the crochet to. I make a template of the panel shape, and work motifs to fit inside it, before attaching them to the frame. Sometimes there are holes in it which I work on 'in situ.'There is something magical about the effect when the light is switched on.
As a note of caution, I'd recommend the use of natural fibres as they are naturally flame retardant,LED bulbs as they don't overheat, and if you are really risk averse, there are fire retardant sprays available.


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